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Police requests for myki data 'not common'

Updated September 18, 2012 13:40:21

Transport Ticketing Authority (TTA) says police have made 60 or 70 requests for data on commuters, stored on the new myki system this year.

There are concerns the smartcards may be used as a tracking device.

However the authority says not all of the requests have been granted.

Authority chief executive, Bernie Carolan says such requests from police are not common and the authority has a strict privacy policy.

"The requests that come in from police do go through a process," he told ABC local radio.

"We've had 60 or 70 requests for data from the police this year and we've refused a handful of those.

"That compares to the fact that there's 2.2 million mykis in people's hands and nearly a million that are used in any given week."

Mr Carolan says suggestions the smartcard can be used as a tracking device are "a bit of an overstatement."

Topics: state-parliament, melbourne-3000

First posted September 18, 2012 13:17:10

18 Sep, 2012

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-09-18/police-requests-for-myki-data-27not-common27/4267902
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