The State Government says Victorians should not be complacent following the violent protests seen in Sydney on the weekend.
An anti-Islamic film has fuelled demonstrations around the world, with protesters marching on and attacking US embassies throughout the Middle East.
Six men have been charged in Sydney after violence broke out during a protest on Saturday.
Victoria's Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Nicholas Kotsiras says his office has been in constant contact with the Islamic Council of Victoria and police.
"Fortunately we haven't had what happened in Sydney on the weekend but we can't be complacent," he told ABC local radio.
"We have to keep working together to ensure that people understand that they can be proud of who they are, be proud of their heritage but also be proud of being a Victorian and an Australian."
The secretary of the council, Sherene Hassan, says while the protests were unacceptable, politicians should be careful with the language they use.
"Describing the rallies as being un-Australian I don't think is very helpful," she said.
"Singling out a particular group and saying they're less Australian than the rest of the community certainly doesn't help them feel part of the community.
"I think we should be labelling the violent protests as violent and vile and disgusting, but I don't think the word un Australian was necessary at all."
Topics: islam, unrest-conflict-and-war, race-relations, melbourne-3000
First posted
Danny Morgan 17 Sep, 2012
Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-09-17/minister-warns-against-complacency-over-protests/4265368
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