Mr. Rifqy visited friends in Barru, South Sulawesi. He visited Mr. And Mrs. Imam. They invited him to their home for dinner. He gave some seashells to the Imam children. They asked him many question about it, especially about a large black one. The shells fascinated them. They looked at it for a long time. The Imams served dinner at 8:00. After dinner the children listened to some stories

Artikel Terkait Structure (Grammar)
- Posisi dan Tingkat Persen Adverb of Frequency
- Daftar kata kerja diikuti oleh infinitive
- Daftar kata kerja diikuti oleh gerund
- Possessive Nouns (Pronouns)
- Adjective + Preposition
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Pramudya Ksatria Budiman
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