The State Opposition says Melbourne's water companies have been instructed to include government propaganda on household bills.
The Opposition's water spokesman, John Lenders, says the companies have been ordered to print information stating the Wonthaggi desalination plant will cost customers $1.8 million a day.
Mr Lenders says it is political spin and only tells half the story.
"If he thinks it is important to state the cost of the desalination plant, I think it's equally important to put on the bills the $1.4 million a day that he is taking out of the water authorities in record dividends and charges doesn't appear anywhere," he said.
The State Government has rejected the claim.
A spokeswoman says factual information is being included on the bills about the incorrect collection of desalination repayments and how the money is being paid back to the customers.
Topics: water, water-management, state-parliament, states-and-territories, vic, melbourne-3000
Liz Hobday 19 Sep, 2012
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