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Plants, animals damaged by climate change: CSIRO

Posted September 18, 2012 09:25:49

A report by the CSIRO has found Victoria's eucalypt forests and grassy woodlands will be visibly affected by climate change by as early as 2030.

The study says there will be widespread damage to ecosystems around the country and calls for more action to save plant and animal species.

The report's lead author, Michael Dunlop, says Victorians need to start preparing themselves for big change.

"Most of our conservation is aimed at trying to keep things the same or restore them to some ideal condition," he said.

"It's not geared towards facilitating a large amount of change and trying to reduce loss as that change occurs.

"So this is a challenge for society to accept that this level of change is occurring."

Mr Dunlop says animals are also at risk of extinction.

"It's almost certain that there will be a large number. We can't say how much, but a large number of species [are] going extinct," he said.

"It's quite clear that more effort to conserve species would be beneficial."

Topics: environmental-management, environmental-impact, climate-change, animals, vic, melbourne-3000

Sarah Farnsworth 18 Sep, 2012

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-09-18/plants2c-animals-damaged-by-climate-change2c-report-warns/4267224
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