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Showing posts with label My Notes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Notes. Show all posts

Desain Seragam PBI T09getherness

(PBI T09getherness image)

Desain gambar dari kelas kami. Adalah diadakan untuk saling mempererat persatuan antara kami sebagai siswa dari kelas PBI (Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris) UIN Alauddin Makassar. 
Pramudya Ksatria Budiman My Notes

Peaces of My Life

Peaces about my life:


                 1.    Mistaken One

Oh Lord verily U always know everything, which makes my tears drop cos of scare and makes me believe that there is fairness in my life as well. Up to now I still can breathe, which means I still can repent.

Oh God, guide me to the straight away! I know I'm always mistaken. What I'd done was unbelievable,
Pramudya Ksatria Budiman My Notes

One Way to Improve Education in Indonesia

One Way to Improve Education in Indonesia

There are many ways to improve education in Indonesia. In this essay I am just going to talk about one of them. It may be the main point among them. It is about ‘designing education system based on the essence of human being.’ What is the essence of human being?

Are you ready to read it? If you say “yes”, SMILE! ^_^

 I would like to describe
Pramudya Ksatria Budiman My Notes

Politics and PKN (Civic Education in My Eyes)

Politics and PKN (Civic Education in My Eyes)

Actually what is politics? Is politics the same as Civic Education? Is the education of politics contained in Civic Education (PKN)? Does Civic Education Subject play the rules, the rules that from which we can learn what politics is and how to be a politician? Is politics about how to have a strategy? Is politics meant how to get power or authority
Pramudya Ksatria Budiman My Notes

Being Unmotivated

Being Unmotivated
None wants to be unmotivated. Everyone tries to avoid it. Being unmotivated makes you feel bored. You can do nothing. You will just stay on your place and think unwell. It’s likely we are under stress. You have no idea to move.
I, a talkative person, also always feel unmotivated. When I am unmotivated, I cannot do anything. I look like an idiot one. I think nothing, just
Pramudya Ksatria Budiman My Notes

Football or Futsal Is My Favorite Sport

Football or Futsal Is My Favorite Sport
Do you love football? Yes, I guess. The most popular sport is football; none can deny. Most people love watching football as well as playing it. 
The question is ‘’Why do I like football?”  Everyone has their own reasons why they enjoy football. From my point of view football is both for health and entertainment. By playing football I can express my
Pramudya Ksatria Budiman My Notes

My Dream of the Most Beautifull Girl