The financial crisis is estimated to last for the next two years is feared to bulldoze the nutritional quality of the people of Indonesia.
This is due to the increasing number of poor people due to the financial crisis. Consequently, the fulfillment of health is also impaired. "Ultimately disrupt economic productivity of families, who then high-risk groups, such as infants, toddlers, school children, and pregnant women, a higher risk of health problems," said health observer from FK Unika Atmajaya Charles Surjadi in public discussion "Reflections on the Development Year 2008 Readiness health and the Global Economic crisis "here on the Media Center.
Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Public Health Association of Indonesia (IAKMI) Syahrul Aminullah said, health-affected sectors classified in the forefront in every financial shocks. Therefore, governments and professional organizations need to continuously monitor health indicators continue to deteriorate and the long-term indicator because it has an effect on "lost" generation.
This is due to the increasing number of poor people due to the financial crisis. Consequently, the fulfillment of health is also impaired. "Ultimately disrupt economic productivity of families, who then high-risk groups, such as infants, toddlers, school children, and pregnant women, a higher risk of health problems," said health observer from FK Unika Atmajaya Charles Surjadi in public discussion "Reflections on the Development Year 2008 Readiness health and the Global Economic crisis "here on the Media Center.
Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Public Health Association of Indonesia (IAKMI) Syahrul Aminullah said, health-affected sectors classified in the forefront in every financial shocks. Therefore, governments and professional organizations need to continuously monitor health indicators continue to deteriorate and the long-term indicator because it has an effect on "lost" generation.

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