NEEDS nutrition for children under five is different from older children. Those needs are constantly changing in accordance with its growth. What you need to know about nutrition for toddlers and preschoolers? Follow the following quiz.
1. Snacks will damage your child's appetite.
Wrong! Small children have small stomachs so it is not enough just to eat three meals a day to meet their nutritional needs. It takes a snack. To maintain their appetite, provide a snack no less than two hours before eating. Examples of healthy snacks are milk, cheese, yoghurt, eggs, fruit, vegetables, popcorn.
2. Toddlers are just mengasup certain foods day after day could be malnourished.
Wrong. Indeed, for most parents, the habit of eating certain foods can lead to malnutrition. However, that does not matter. Eat just like it - a period when the toddler just want a little kind of food - are common. Offer a child other than his favorite foods while you are waiting for the child stops the habit. If the child refuses to eat vegetables and fruit for several weeks or more, ask for advice from your doctor or nutritionist.
3. If you do not present the child wants, they are not eating enough.
Wrong. Children will eat when they are hungry. Preparing a meal for family and one other food to children does not make them healthier, but it will cause stress. Do you continue to follow the wishes of children. Serve at least one or two foods that you know will be eaten.
4. You should not give toddlers of low-fat milk.
Right. Children under age 2 should drink milk fat because of the high calorie and fat to help their growth. In parallel with age, they get more calories and fat from food, and fewer than milk. That is why the Association of Pediatricians in the United States could accept the present efforts of low-fat dairy such as milk with 1 percent fat after the child's age 2 years.
5. Preschool children have to spend all the food on his plate.
Wrong. Do not force children to spend their food. Child's appetite fluctuates. So, do not force the child when he can not spend the food. Serve food in small portions and let them add to it if you want.
6. Children should drink the juice.
Wrong. One hundred percent juices provide nutrients such as vitamin C and potassium, but this is not important in the diets of children. If children eat fruit, he may not need juice. Too much juice actually causes excess calories and weight. If you want to drink juice, choose which is made of 100 percent fruit.
1. Snacks will damage your child's appetite.
Wrong! Small children have small stomachs so it is not enough just to eat three meals a day to meet their nutritional needs. It takes a snack. To maintain their appetite, provide a snack no less than two hours before eating. Examples of healthy snacks are milk, cheese, yoghurt, eggs, fruit, vegetables, popcorn.
2. Toddlers are just mengasup certain foods day after day could be malnourished.
Wrong. Indeed, for most parents, the habit of eating certain foods can lead to malnutrition. However, that does not matter. Eat just like it - a period when the toddler just want a little kind of food - are common. Offer a child other than his favorite foods while you are waiting for the child stops the habit. If the child refuses to eat vegetables and fruit for several weeks or more, ask for advice from your doctor or nutritionist.
3. If you do not present the child wants, they are not eating enough.
Wrong. Children will eat when they are hungry. Preparing a meal for family and one other food to children does not make them healthier, but it will cause stress. Do you continue to follow the wishes of children. Serve at least one or two foods that you know will be eaten.
4. You should not give toddlers of low-fat milk.
Right. Children under age 2 should drink milk fat because of the high calorie and fat to help their growth. In parallel with age, they get more calories and fat from food, and fewer than milk. That is why the Association of Pediatricians in the United States could accept the present efforts of low-fat dairy such as milk with 1 percent fat after the child's age 2 years.
5. Preschool children have to spend all the food on his plate.
Wrong. Do not force children to spend their food. Child's appetite fluctuates. So, do not force the child when he can not spend the food. Serve food in small portions and let them add to it if you want.
6. Children should drink the juice.
Wrong. One hundred percent juices provide nutrients such as vitamin C and potassium, but this is not important in the diets of children. If children eat fruit, he may not need juice. Too much juice actually causes excess calories and weight. If you want to drink juice, choose which is made of 100 percent fruit.

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