Weighing the challenges of children and adolescents currently making activities of children become solid. Most parents do not have time enough to notice, accompany and supervise children. As a result, energy intake and nutrition for children is reduced.
Psychologist and Director of Yayasan Kita and Fruit Hearts, Elly Risman, said it was on Friday (2 / 5) in Jakarta. "Parents should ensure that children have enough energy to undergo an intensive activities. How could the children be able to move and think that their nutritional intake and less energy," he said.
According to Elly Risman, parents need to build resilience from the outset. Toughness is an attitude to life that results from a comprehensive parenting efforts. Produce resilient children in an era of tight competition as it is today stems from the parents, parental lifestyle, determination implement the agreement, and the fulfillment of the three types of nutrition they need. "Three types of nutrition is to ensure sufficient energy intake to meet their activity (physical nutrition ), encouraging children to be physically active, do not live in the 'era of the scenes' without accompaniment otangtua and appropriate communication patterns (nutritional soul), and the presence of God within the child (spiritual nutrition), "said Elly Risman in the discussion of" Thinking Pun Need Energy ", which was held Nestle Indonesia, Jakarta.
Meanwhile, Category Marketing Manager Beverages PT Nestle Indonesia Welih Sutidjan, citing the book The Energy of Life by Dr. Guy C. Brown, say, the brain requires 20 percent of the total energy needed by the body, even at rest. "Research Chugani HT et friend, published the Journal neurodevelopmental Neuroimaging, in New York, in 1996 even mentions that the brains of children aged 4-12 years require more energy to live their daily activities than adults, "he said.
Lack of energy supply in children can result in various things, such as reduced inhibition of the focus of learning and thinking ability of children, or an underdeveloped child's creativity.
Psychologist and Director of Yayasan Kita and Fruit Hearts, Elly Risman, said it was on Friday (2 / 5) in Jakarta. "Parents should ensure that children have enough energy to undergo an intensive activities. How could the children be able to move and think that their nutritional intake and less energy," he said.
According to Elly Risman, parents need to build resilience from the outset. Toughness is an attitude to life that results from a comprehensive parenting efforts. Produce resilient children in an era of tight competition as it is today stems from the parents, parental lifestyle, determination implement the agreement, and the fulfillment of the three types of nutrition they need. "Three types of nutrition is to ensure sufficient energy intake to meet their activity (physical nutrition ), encouraging children to be physically active, do not live in the 'era of the scenes' without accompaniment otangtua and appropriate communication patterns (nutritional soul), and the presence of God within the child (spiritual nutrition), "said Elly Risman in the discussion of" Thinking Pun Need Energy ", which was held Nestle Indonesia, Jakarta.
Meanwhile, Category Marketing Manager Beverages PT Nestle Indonesia Welih Sutidjan, citing the book The Energy of Life by Dr. Guy C. Brown, say, the brain requires 20 percent of the total energy needed by the body, even at rest. "Research Chugani HT et friend, published the Journal neurodevelopmental Neuroimaging, in New York, in 1996 even mentions that the brains of children aged 4-12 years require more energy to live their daily activities than adults, "he said.
Lack of energy supply in children can result in various things, such as reduced inhibition of the focus of learning and thinking ability of children, or an underdeveloped child's creativity.

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